Potassium may advance composition of protein ( enzyme) and nucleic acids and keep link with protoplast hydrate; 钾与促进蛋白质和核酸形成,保持原生质的水合程度有关;
The O-alkylation of S (-)-1,1 '-bis-2-naphthol [ S (-)-1], or R (+)-1 with various alkyl halides in the presence of potassium fluoride hydrate was studied. 本文报导在KF·2H2O促进下,S-(-)-或R-(+)-1,1′-联-2-萘酚(1)和卤代烷进行的O-烷基化反应,得到构型保持的产物。
A kind of non-cyanide alkaline copper plating bath was prepared with copper citrate as main salt and by adding potassium hydrate and suitable brightener into the bath. 采用柠檬酸铜为主盐,加入氢氧化钾和合适的光亮剂,配制出一种无氰碱性镀铜液。